Grace Reformed Bible Church
formerly Newton Covenant Reformed Church
Sunday Services
The Bible tells us that God made the heaven's and the earth in 6 days, but rested the 7th day. This was once Saturday, the last day of the week. With the resurrection of Jesus, this day of rest is Sunday, the first day of the week (Jn 20:19). God blesses us with this day to enjoy him first, and to fellowship with family and friends in Christ. Here's what our Sunday worship looks like at a glance.
Sunday Morning (10AM)
We begin our day worshiping the Lord in the beauty of his Holiness. As we approach his presence, we can't help but see our sinful reflection and our desperate need for a Savior to save us. We are reminded again that Jesus is our only hope if we are to experience God's amazing grace. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we make our prayers and sing songs to our Father God through his son, our savior, Jesus.
Primary to our worship is sitting at the feet of Jesus as we listen to his word.
Nursery is provided for little children.
Sunday School (11:30AM)
We have a class for all ages "for anyone 3 to 93 and older." Anyone is welcome to plug themselves into our many groups.
Preschool Class (Ages 3-5)
Jesus is God (GCP): The children will discover that Jesus' many miracles were signs that point to Him as God the Son, our Savior.
Younger Elementary Class (Ages 6-8)
Serving God (GCP): The children will focus on what it means to be God's servant.
Older Elemntary Class (Ages 9-11)
Matthew to John (GCP): This quarter, the four Gospels are studied, focusing on the chronology of the events of Christ's earthly mission as well as each Gospel writer's characteristics.
High School Class (Ages 12-18)
The Price of of Possession: The second half of the Heidleberg Catechism will be the focus of this class. We will look at the life of gratitude Christ calls us to by focusing upon the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer.
College & Career Class
The Hole in Our Holiness: Filling in the Gap Between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness by Kevin DeYong. This is a book about God's power to help us grow in personal holiness and to enjoy the process of transformation.
Women's Class
The Book of James: We'll discuss topics such as persevering during trials, taming the tongue, being doers of the Word, favoritism, wisdom, and more.
Adult Class
The True Christians's Love to the Unseen Christ by Thomas Vincent. This study's goal is to teach you how to love Christ with fervor and ardency; to not only grow in head knowledge, but in a warmth of love to Christ in your heart.
Sunday Evening (6PM)
Sundays are such a wonderful occasion for us, that we gather again to close out our day just as we the presence of the Lord. Here we have opportunity to show our fellowship as believers by sharing prayer requests. ​
Again, the primary aspect of our worship is studying God's word, typically focusing on some major teaching of the Bible.
Every 3rd Sunday of the month we have a Hymn Sing, followed by a time of food and fellowship.